He watched the coffee beating in the cracked dome of the percolator . 他注视着咖啡壶破裂的圆顶内翻腾的咖啡。
The pulse of joy that beats in us at twenty becomes sluggish . 二十岁时在我们身上跳动着的欢乐的脉搏会迟缓下来。
The champion beaten in the first round ? that is a turn-up for the book ! 那冠军在第一回合中就败了?真想不到哇。
Its hard luck on those who were beaten in the first round of the competition . 那些在第一轮比赛中就遭到失败的人真倒霉。
Excitement beat in my ears, and slushed around in my brain like warm, heavy wine . 我兴奋得两耳嗡嗡作响,好象烫热的烈酒在我脑里荡漾。
True, we have been beaten in a few battles, but our army is gaining ground every day . 不错,我们在几次战斗中失利了,可是我们的部队天天都在取得进展。
Decisively beaten in a general coal strike in 1894, the umw had only 10, 000 members and seemed dead by 1897。 由于在1894年煤矿工人总罢工中遭到决定性的失败,到1897年,美国矿工联合会只剩下一万会员,而且似乎名存实亡。
Your sis ran away while i got beat in a cab , no less 你妹妹坐着出租车逃走了
A thousand smiths hammers are beating in my head “一千个铁匠的锤子在我的头里敲打!